Five Element acupuncture is simple, elegant and profound
Its core principle is the recognition that our body, mind and spirit or “shen” (emotions) are linked, and that illness and pain reflects an interruption in the smooth flow of our physical and emotional energy.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of sterile, single-use needles at specific points on the body. The needles are inserted into the skin and either removed quickly, or left in place for a while, depending on the result intended. The needles measure an average width of 0.13mm – as fine as a human hair. If needle insertion is felt at all, it can be a momentary sensation or a slight dull ache on the point. As well as addressing chronic pain and musculo-skeletal issues, a growing body of evidence-based clinical research is discovering that acupuncture can trigger the body’s healing process by calming the central nervous system, regulating hormones and releasing endorphins.